“The Left has convinced many Americans that we are a nation of social injustice. They have perverted our history, seduced our children and poisoned our culture. STAND is leading a movement to unite Americans of all ancestries and national origins.
We reject hyphenating our citizens. We are all Americans. We are Americans of British ancestry, African ancestry, Irish ancestry, German ancestry, Italian ancestry, Asian ancestry, Native American ancestry and people many other countries and continents. However, we are Americans first, last and always. This truth is the key to a peaceful and prosperous future for us and our posterity. Judeo-Christian values have built the greatest nation in history. The Left is hell bent on subverting our values and destroying our heritage in order to fundamentally transform our nation from a free Constitutional Republic to a secular socialist nation. In effect they want de facto communism without the name.”
S.T.A.N.D. Foundation, Inc. is a 501(C)(3) organization under the Internal Revenue Code.

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