“Declaring the Whole Counsel of God
To America and the World”

Mission: Impacting every area of life, including the public policy arena with Biblical Worldview proclamation, teaching, and discipleship.

A Fellowship of Pastors, Ministers, Churches, and Christian Businesses and Organizations committed to saving souls, saving families, and saving the nation.

Benefits of membership:

1. Fellowship, support and encouragement for pastors, ministers and Christian business people.
2. Support for taking Biblical worldview stands on marriage, family, gender, protecting the lives of unborn children, standing with Israel and other issues affecting our country and the world.
3. Providing leadership, strategies, and tools to assist pastors, ministries and Christian Businesses and organizations in carrying out their mission.
4. Advice and counsel in planting churches, developing structure for new churches, and solving the problems of ministry.
5. Advice and counsel in starting new ministries.
6. Helping churches to develop and implement discipleship and growth strategies.
7. Holding conferences and events for educating, edifying, encouraging, and activating pastors, ministers, churches, ministries, and businesses.

To become a member of the SFCM:
1. Fill out application.
2. Pay application fee of $100.

The following recommendations are for guidance only, not a requirement. Churches and organizations may choose to give any amount on any basis or to not give at all. The SFCM is for fellowship not fundraising, however, contributions are welcomed, appreciated and will help the mission of STAND.

Suggested voluntary monthly/annual contributions based on average Sunday morning attendance:

25 or less in attendance:
$50/mo. or $500 annual contribution

26-50 in attendance
$100/mo. or $1000 annual contribution

51-100 in attendance
$150/mo. or $1500 annual contribution

101-200 in attendance
$200/mo. or $2000 annual contribution

201-500 in attendance
$300/mo. or $3000 annual contribution

501-1000 in attendance
$500/mo. or $5000 annual contribution

1001-5000 in attendance
$1000/mo. or $10,000 annual contribution

5001 to 10,000 in attendance
$2500/mo. or $25,000 annual contribution

Over 10,000 in attendance
$5,000/mo. or $50,000 annual contribution

Individual Minster and Business Partnership
Youth Member – $10/mo. or $100 Annually
Silver member – $25/mo. or $250 Annually
Gold member – $50/mo. or $500 Annually
Platinum member – $100/mo. or $1000 Annually
Diamond member – $500/mo. min. $5000 Annually
Foundation member – $1000/mo. min for 3 years or $25,000 lump sum one time gift.

When you join, you will receive a certificate of membership.

STAND Fellowship contributions support STAND Fellowship and the overall mission of STAND.