STAND (Staying True to America’s National Destiny) was founded on July 4, 2009. Our mission is to unite Americans across all racial and cultural lines as one nation under God for the preservation and defense of our Judeo-Christian heritage and values. The vision of STAND is an America where our institutions affirm Judeo-Christian culture and values instead of attacking them.
What a STAND chapter can do in your local community:
- Host meetings and seminars on the Constitution.
- Host rallies to defend the First and Second Amendment to the Constitution.
- Host meetings and seminars on our Judeo-Christian culture and values as summarized in the Declaration of Independence.
- Host meetings and seminars on American History.
- Create local events to celebrate American History Month (September).
- Host livestream or recorded events with Bishop Jackson expounding on the issues of the day and what STAND is doing nationally to address these issues.
- Support laws, policies, and activities which preserve Judeo-Christian values.
- Organize opposition to abortion, drag queen story hours, homosexual and transgender ideology, critical race theory, Sharia law, satan clubs in schools, illegal immigration, and a version of “criminal justice reform” designed to empower criminals, eliminate penalties for crime, and empty prisons of dangerous criminals.
- Seek to unite Americans across racial and cultural lines as “one nation under God.”
- Oppose the demagoguery and lies which are calculated to divide us into a nation of warring tribes.
- Honor and defend legitimate law enforcement officers in the execution of their lawful duties
These attacks on the Constitution and our Judeo-Christian culture threaten to destabilize our culture and ultimately destroy our country and civilization itself.
How to Start a Local STAND Chapter
• Recruit four volunteers who embrace the mission and vision of STAND.
• Appoint a chair and secretary/clerk. These can be the same person initially, if necessary.
• Recruit others to join.
• Regularly attend STAND’s National Awakening Coalition Conference Calls on Tuesdays (12:00 -12:30 ET) for inspiration, information, and connection to the national organization.
• Meet with local leaders in person or on conference calls once a month as needed to set the agenda for the local STAND and events and meetings necessary to move the organization forward.
• Support and promote the projects of the national organization.
• Join a national quarterly Chapter meeting to report on local activities.
• Consult with the State President and National Field Director regularly
Once you get your chapter started, we’ll provide you with a free STAND “T” shirt, an official STAND lapel pin, and materials to hand out in your local community.
Political Activities
STAND America PAC is a federal super PAC established to support or oppose federal candidates and policies. Local chapters are encouraged to get involved in congressional elections and federal policies under the aegis of PAC. We have a STAND Virginia PAC which is limited to Virginia elections. State leaders may establish STAND PACS such as STAND North Carolina PAC or STAND Texas PAC, etc.
For further guidance and information on getting your STAND chapter started, contact Pastor Marlin Sharp ( Tel. 757-439-1458
S.T.A.N.D. Foundation, Inc. is a 501(C)(3) organization under the Internal Revenue Code.
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